Saturday, June 21, 2008


On Friday night Anatole and I headed to Stonehenge for the summer solstice. It is only during the summer and winter solstice that people are allowed up close and able to touch the stones. We took the tube to Ruislip Manor and then headed by car to Stonehenge. With gas around GBP 1.20/liter, it is no wonder that there are so many small cars here. Our transportation was a tiny Ford.

Unfortunately, the weather was not very good. It was not raining really hard, but there was an almost constant drizzle. Nonetheless, everyone seemed to enjoy the night, with the sound of rhythmic drums going continuously. Quite a variety of people show up. All were friendly; none of the football (soccer) hooligan types.

We waited around until the next morning for the sunrise, but with the cloud cover there was not much of one. According to my mom, Fox news reported 30,000 people celebrating the summer solstice at Stonehenge.

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